When I first met Joe, he had a vision for ‘not feeling indifferent’ in his data science engineering career.
He had some success with his past and current roles as a Ph.D. working at one of the biggest and most successful silicon valley tech companies…
But it wasn’t sure he was on the right career track or if he should change it up and join a start up.
He felt stuck and didn’t feel like he was stepping into his truest potential.
In deciding what was next, I went deeper with his unique brilliance and some probing questions…
And from there I was able to help him discover how he could stop feeling stuck, and gain clarity on what he wanted and make better decisions that felt authentic, real, and unleashed his creative blocks.
He wondered why I was giving him these bizarre action items like naming emotions and naming his biggest fears that seemed like it didn’t have anything to do with finding a new career trajectory.
But we set out to create a path that included the things he thought was missing from his current career path - creative freedom, motivation, and feeling like he was making a difference.
At this big tech company was he just another data scientist who wasn’t caught up in overwhelm that is all too easy to fall into - permanently staying there?
Along with a framework for him to think differently, he started carving out new thoughts, feelings and behavior that set him on a new career trajectory.
Through this, Joe realized how he felt more often. This helped him gain clarity on what he wanted, and enabled him to make better decisions. He felt more authentic as he created new boundaries to be more in charge of his time.
Today, things are so different and wow have things changed!
Since working together, he’s also:
✅ Learned the skills to effectively navigate energy drains like drama and stress.
✅ Landed a new job ⚡️🎉 he is genuinely excited about working on cutting-edge technology.
✅ More inspired than ever as he started a new romantic relationship (not even in the plan, but when you are in your 'zone of genius' a great side effect you radiate and shine so much for to others!)
✅ Feels empowered to take bigger risks and bigger impacts with his work and with others.
If you’re a leader in tech who is ready to take your leadership and career to the next level, reply back to me to learn more about how we can work together.
I look forward to hearing from you!