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Do You Know Your ABC’S for Your Year End Pause?

Most of us don’t give ourselves the luxury to create the space (or time) to reflect on the past year or what we want out of the year ahead. Give yourself the gift to pause as you learn from the past year and intend for 2019 using this self-guided exercise.

Welcome to the ABC’S Year End Pause (aka YEP ABC’S) or Year End Pause - Accomplishments, Being, Commitment, and Support!

ProTip: Get and print the FREE accompanying guidebook to track all your notes and insights.

Set aside about an hour for the activity, including time to set up your pause space, write and experience the tracking back pause. You can also gather a tribe of close friends to convene for an evening of connection and reflection and treat it as a time to connect with yourself and others that are important in your life. If you can’t meet I person, do it over video using Google Hangouts, Skype, or Zoom.

ProTip: Ritualize your Year End Pause – make a commitment to revisit this practice once a year, or even seasonally.

  • Find a comfortable space with your journal, notepad, or sketch book and something to write with.

  • Set up your space to inhibit your pause. This may include setting up a mini tribute for your year – complete with a candle, one or two objects of significance, and/or a photo that inspires you. Put on a playlist that inspires you, and wear your favorite attire. Pour yourself a favorite cup of tea or cozy up in your favorite blanket and get comfortable.

Step I - Tracking Back Pause (15 minutes)

Read more and follow the track back pause in the full article on ThriveGlobal here...

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